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Resources 'Article 5: Collection and dissemination of Environmental Information'

The Bertelsmann foundation has published a new study on Open Data: Open Data – Wertschöpfung im digitalen Zeitalter (Open Data – Value creation in the digital age). Illustrated with examples from…
Since its inception in 2002, the European Food safety Authority (EFSA) has produced risk assessments for more than 4,400 substances in over 1,650 Scientific Opinions, Statements and Conclusions…
Priorities and activities to be funded 1. Priorities This call for proposals aims at contributing to achieving the objectives of the European e-Justice Strategy 2014-2018. It will support the…
The French draft law Loi Numérique will be presented to the French Parliament on 19 January, after being co-created with citizens through an online public consultation. This is the first law in…
Access to information - the conclusions of the state environmental expertiza of the Ukrainian Ministry of Environmental Protection and its territorial bodies should be published and made available…
Access to product information - Interpretation of the obligation under the REACH Regulation to provide information on the presence of a substance of very high concern in an article. The main question…
Daten suchen Ideen, Ideen suchen DatenUnter diesem Motto laden wir Sie herzlich ein, Ihre innovativsten, nützlichsten und benutzerfreundlichsten Beiträge zu den Kategorien Ideen, Datensätze und…
A joint European Commission and Make it Work workshop will be held on 19-20 November 2015 in Brussels (Maison des Associations Internationales, Rue Washington 40 / Washingtonstraat 40) to discuss…
The 'Energy – Transparency Centre of Knowledge' (E-TRACK) of the European Commission (EC) is a joint initiative agreed between the Directorate General for Energy and the Joint Research…
''On May of this year, with the support of the EU, UNDP and GEF, on the initiative of the Armenian Inter-Church Charitable Round Table Foundation of the World Council of Churches has launched “…