Resources 'Article 4: Access to Environmental Information'
“Environment-People-Law” is an organization of practical lawyers in the field of the protection of environmental rights of citizens and the environment. This organization created a register of court…
The 'Energy – Transparency Centre of Knowledge' (E-TRACK) of the European Commission (EC) is a joint initiative agreed between the Directorate General for Energy and the Joint Research…
Access to information - The fact that some pieces of information contained in the files of an unfinished project may be considered as “provisional” should not be interpreted as if they were “…
Event for environmental and planning solicitors dedicated to the Aarhus Convention.
''On May of this year, with the support of the EU, UNDP and GEF, on the initiative of the Armenian Inter-Church Charitable Round Table Foundation of the World Council of Churches has launched “…
What do we know about our exposure to hazardous substances by using cosmetics, food, toys, furniture, electronics, building materials and other everyday items? Do we know what hazardous substances,…
The South Caucasus Regional Office of the Heinrich Boell Foundation is inviting environmental journalists to participate into the four day training session. The main goal of the training is to…
GENEVA (17 September 2015) – “People have a right to know whether they are being exposed to hazardous substances or may be harmed by them,” United Nations human rights expert, Baskut Tuncak, said…
This document contains a comparison of the metadata conventions for describing open data in Switzerland, Germany and Austria. The text deals with the status quo of open data in the respective…
The 1998 Aarhus Convention constitutes a landmark international agreement to promote public participation, not only domestically, but also at the international level. In 2005, its parties adopted…