Mobile Application Red Book of Armenia
I. Description
1. Title: Red Book AM
2. Brief description:
“The Red Book of Armenia” mobile application contains information about the species registered in the Red Books of flora and fauna of the Republic of Armenia (RA). The app is an eco-educational and cognitive tool. It serves as a guide for users and helps protect rare and endangered species of plants and animals found in the local communities. The users can look at beautiful illustrations of species that once thrived in Armenia but are now extinct!
The app has a feature that allows users to quickly search for endangered species and access information on how to prevent their extinction. Users can search for animals, plants and fungi, and find out information about the habitats. It has an interactive feedback tool that enables the users to participate in the process of studying Red Book species and collecting data.
3. Link(s) to electronic information tool(s) (if available online) or the description:
Video (Armenian) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBgDCgtH9jk&t=5s
Shore introduction at the website of the Ministry of Environment: http://env.am/en/news/the-red-book-of-armenia-mobile-application-will-help-to-know-and-preserve-the-nature-of-armenia
Google play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=am.env.redbook&pli=1
App store: https://apps.apple.com/am/app/redbookam/id1566135896
4. Type (governmental, non-governmental, municipal, other): governmental
5. Scope (international, sub-regional, national, local): national
6. Working language(s): English, Armenian
7. Target users: 12+ pupils and students, scientists, researchers, decision makers, public․
8. Starting year: 2022
9. Policy, legal and institutional context: Legislation regarding Environmental Information and Environmental Protection, Privacy Policy.
10. Contact: (name, functional title, institution, email, phone number):
Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Armenia
Republic Square, Government House 3, 0010 Yerevan, Republic of Armenia
Tel: +374 11 818555
Email: minenv[at]env.am
II. Implementation
11. Stakeholders involved, their expected benefits:
As of October 2024, it has more than 1000 users.
12. Partner organizations involved: The application was developed within the framework of cooperation between the RA Ministry of the Environment and the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) in Armenia.
15. Technology choice: The application is designed for devices running on iOS or Android mobile operating systems (Smartphones). The app can be downloaded from the App Store and Google Play Store.