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The fifth session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to Prepare a Global Legally Binding Instrument on Mercury (INC5) convened from Sunday, 13 January, to Saturday, 19 January, in Geneva…
This seems to be already addressed in one of the published news itemsImportant judgment of the Court of Justice of EU citizenship rights concerning dumps in which the public cannot be ousted from…
The President of the Region Giuseppe Scopelliti met in Rome to discuss with the environment Minister and fifteen commissioner who have experience in the industry on the waste that is going through…
MK STATES THIS IS ALREADY ADDRESSED IN ANOTHER NEWS ITEM Israel commits to granting public access to transparent emissions data in acceding to protocol on air pollution release, monitoring.
The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) welcomes the accession of Israel to the Protocol on Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers to the Convention on Access to Information,…
Important judgment of the Court of Justice of EU in relation to citizenship rights and open dumps in Slovakia. Citizens have the right to know the whole process that covers the opening of new plants…
Ecologists in Action has submitted the report on air quality in the region of Murcia in 2012 and highlights the serious problem of ozone pollution in the region.
Soria CCOO organized to discuss the dangers of gas extraction by fracturing. Soria CCOO were able to express their different opinions in the meeting that included broad public participation of…
Citizens can participate in decision-making procedure on projects and programs that have an environmental impact. And they have a right to access to a decision to consent urban-building, since the…
Twenty years after the Earth Summit in Rio in 1992, thousands of government representatives and civil society met again in Rio de Janeiro in June to participate in the UN Conference on Sustainable…

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