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The objective of the public consultation is to seek the views of the general public and all stakeholders in order to help:- Assess whether legislative action at EU level would have added value in…
The following article is a summary and analysis os Riccardo Pavoni's article Public Interest Environmental Litigation and the European Court of Human Rights: No Love at First Sight by David Hart QC.…
The national debate on energy transition is nearing the end. Tensions are clear between those who want energy management to continue as before and those who really want to engage the energy…
Aarhus and EU Law? What are they?This online survey intends to measure the awareness by the public in European countries of the Aarhus Convention and the Environmental Law of the EU. Some questions…
The General Director of Quality and Environmental Assessment and Natural Environment, Guillermina Yanguas PRTR-Spain notes that, in addition to a reference source, is a support tool for state and…
The EU General Court declared action by European Platform Against Windfarms (EPAW) admissable.
Ecologists are calling for the annulment of the wind project at the European Parliament. The environmental association ARCA and the Platform for the Defence of Southern Cantabria presented a formal…
The Environmental Protection Agency GLOBAL 2000 in Styria stands in solidarity with the activists of the black Sulm. "We are alarmed because a unique river landscape of the destruction is threatened…
Based on the recent UK Edwards case, the Court of Justice of the European Union delivered a judgment on the requirement that litigation in environmental matters should not be "prohibitively expensive…
The European Court of Justice ruled the complaint EPAW, concerning the Renewable Energy Program, admissable. EPAW accused the EU of violating the rights of citizens in environmental matters under the…

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