Sicily still targeted by Europe. To thicken the file relating to the proceedings of the EU to the Island, which already boasts infringement procedures for purification, waste and air pollution, there…
In the House of Representatives is preparing to consider a bill regulating on public hearings on environmental issues and providing for the establishment of enterprises engaged in activities related…
The Hungarian opposition condemns classification of agreements for the Paks nuclear plants expansion project. They argue that the classification is unconstitutional and it contravenes the law on…
The Austrian umbrella organization ?Umweltdachverband? massively criticizes the draft Federal law on the implementation of a trans-European energy infrastructure. The organization fears a lack of…
Ministry of Natural Resources proposes to make a public discussion of environmentally significant projects, said during an online conference on the site learned from First Deputy Minister of Natural…
The Upper Tribunal in the UK decided that private water and sewage companies are public authorities for the purposes of the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 by the virtue of the special…
Brigitte Artmann and her colleagues feared immense environmental damage. The Alliance is now turning to the Aarhus Convention.
The European Commission has successfully appealed a ‘bold’ ruling by the Court of Justice that its access to justice rules did not fully reflect the Aarhus Convention.
The new EU Commission wants a set of rules for circular economy underline that should provide for waste prevention and reuse of raw materials. The template had already found wide acceptance in the…
There are 16 out of 44 Venetians municipalities that have not responded to the research carried out from July 2013 to October 2014 by the Regional Centre Asbestos of the Arpav of Verona. Among these…