La directive Seveso 3 a pour ambition d'améliorer l'information du public sur les risques d'accidents majeurs. La protection du secret industriel et la sûreté rendent toutefois les industriels…
Après les milliers de publications rapportant les effets sanitaires néfastes d’éoliennes, Patrick Evans, Supervisor du Comté de Brown, dans le Wisconsin, avait alerté l’autorité sanitaire en…
This platform has ensured that last January the Director-General for the Environment in the Government of Extremadura, Enrique Julian, referring to the Balboa refinery project, stated that "the…
Nature Trust Malta (NTM) voices opposition to the development of a new university in ODZ in Marsascala rather than a nature park as well as two other land-consuming large scale projects. NTM…
The Mar Blava Alliance registered a complaint with the European Commission for violation of Community law by the Government of Spain.
The Ministry of Justice in Vietnam proposed a draft law on access to information. Besides the general provisions, the draft proposed specific provisions on public information and its publicity;…
Representatives from the signatory countries of the declaration on the application of Principle 10 of the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development wrapped up a three-day meeting at the…
A roundtable to discuss plans for the Aarhus Center in Bishkek and Osh in 2015 was held for the official opening of the Aarhus Center in Bishkek, as well as the implementation of the Aarhus…
The HCB-U Committee Chairman Korak rejected the implementation of the Aarhus Convention relating to the HCB scandal.
Take the following survey and share your recommendations on stakeholder engagement in the HLPF as it assumes the responsibility of reviewing the achievement of the SDGs beginning in 2016. Findings…