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A UK court overturned the rules that removed cost caps on damages awarded in environmental cases. The article explains how a few UK NGOs fought to protect the provisions and how the court decided on…
Publisher: Pinsent Masons LLP
Parties to the Aarhus Convention endorsed the findings of the Compliance Committee on the failure to allow the public to participate in the construction of the Astravyets Nuclear Power Plant at the…
Publisher: The Baltic Course
A high court in England ruled that the variable cost provisions of the Civil Procedure Rules “need further clarification.” The rules change the fixed costs for Aarhus related cases to variable. Two…
Publisher: The Law Society
The Organization for Security and Co-Operation in Europe (OSCE) hosted a side-event at the Meeting of the Parties for the Aarhus convention and Protocol on PRTRs with members of the Aarhus Centers…
Publisher: Organization of Security and Co-operation in Europe
The Compliance Committee to the Aarhus Convention confirmed in its findings that Belarus is in violation of the Aarhus Convention with the persecution of activists protesting a nuclear power plant.…
Publisher: TUT Bay Media
A communication was sent to the Aarhus Convention Compliance Committee by WWF Greece and ClientEarth. They allege that Greece is failing to meet its obligations under the Aarhus Convention. Greece…
The Austrian Government was condemned at the Meeting of the Parties for the Aarhus Convention for not fulfilling its obligations under the Convention. The condemnation came from The Green Alternative…
Publisher: Tagesbote
On the fourth day of the Meeting of the Parties for the Aarhus Convention and the PRTR Protocol, the Budva Declaration on Environmental Democracy for Our Sustainable Future was adopted.
Publisher: Radio Televizija Crne Gore
According to Maia Bitadze, the Chair of the Aarhus Conventions Meeting of the Parties, environmental issues cannot be left out of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. The Aarhus Convention is…
Publisher: InterPressNews
At the Meeting of the Parties for the Aarhus Convention in Budva, Montenegro, environmental NGOs from Kazakhstan are claiming that the country is not going far enough to fulfill its obligations to…
Publisher: Radio Azattyk

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