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The OSCE Programme Office in Nur-Sultan supported a roundtable discussion on the implementation of the Aarhus Convention principles in Kazakhstan on 9 and 10 July 2019 in Nur-Sultan.
The article reports on the list based on data collected by experts from the Arnika Association (Czech Republic) and Eko forum Zenicatop on the ten largest contributors to industrial air…
Publisher: Arnika
The article comments on a new report published by the European Environment Bureau (EEB), which shows examples of EU governments not complying with the legislation designed to guarantee…
During the 2019 Regional Forum on Sustainable Development for Europe, participants shared experiences on promoting the environmental dimension of SDG 16 (peace, justice and strong institutions)…
Publisher: IISD Knowledge Hub
Information about the Standing Committee on Territorial Administration, Local Self-Governance, Agriculture and Environment's consent to the bill on structuring a number of task forces and…
Publisher: Armenia News -
The article reports on the French government's Great National Debate, which ran from January 15 to April 8, 2019. Ecological transition is one of the four themes of the debates, and…
The article covers a meeting of an Austrian Provincial Government in which the government bill for the amendment of the Nature and Landscape Protection Act was decided. Among the main…
The opinion elaborates on how to concile technological innovations that are changing our society, such as artificial intelligence and other digital technologies, with the respect to values as, for…
The article covers the Spanish Supreme Court's decision that defined that environmental organizations are exempt from paying legal costs.
The article explains how and Irish farmer has been raising awareness to the fact that wind farm developments must comply with the environmental legislation in Europe. It cites the Aarhus Convention…

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