Displaying 101 - 106 of 106 resources
“Environment-People-Law” is an organization of practical lawyers in the field of the protection of environmental rights of citizens and the environment. This organization created a register of court…
Publisher: Environment People Law (EPL)
The newly launched webpage of Environmental Law Research Center (ELRC) of Faculty of Law, Yerevan State University is a dynamic and open academic source sharing material. It provides comprehensive…
Publisher: Environmental Law Resource Center of Faculty of Law, Yerevan State University
This document provides a fact sheet for selected environmental court cases from the European Court of Human Rights.
Publisher: European Court of Human Rights
BAILII contains British and Irish case law & legislation, European Union case law, Law Commission reports, and other law-related material.
Publisher: BAILII
On 19 February 2004, the Rennes Administrative Tribunal refused to annul the decision of theprefect of Morbihan. The Morbihan decision would denied the association of inhabitants of theMorbihan coast…
Several non-governmental organizations filed a lawsuit against the Government and a miningcompany, disputing the legality of an environmental impact assessment to conduct miningactivities in the…