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Welcome to the Aarhus Clearinghouse for Environmental Democracy.
This web portal showcases information on laws and practices relevant to the public's right to:
• access environmental information
• participate in environmental decision-making, and
• achieve justice on environmental matters

The Aarhus Clearinghouse provides information relevant to the implementation of Principle 10 of the 1992 Rio Declaration on Environment and Development at the global and regional level, as well as national levels all over the world. It also facilitates the collection, dissemination and exchange of information related to the UNECE Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters (in short: Aarhus Convention).


The blog article by the UNECE Executive Secretary Ms. Olga Algayerova addresses a potential impact of the Governments' response to the COVID-19 pandemic on procedural rights of public access to…
The blog article highlights the linkages of the work undertaken under auspices of the Group on Earth Observations and the Aarhus Convention to promote effective public access to environmental…
The grid development projects by 50Hertz move on as scheduled, however, early public participation needs alternative formats as face-to-face dialogue is restricted due to COVID-19. For two projects,…