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E-Learning Course: SDG 16 and Access Rights, the Aarhus Convention, and the Escazú Agreement

SDG 16 (Access Rights), the Aarhus Convention, and the Escazu AgreementThrough the lens of Sustainable Development Goal 16, this free and self-paced course looks at how the process-focused “access rights” described in the 1992 Rio Declaration on Environment and Development – access to information, public participation in decision-making, and access to justice – have become critical to our understanding of how the state of the environment interplays with human wellbeing; with political, economic, and social policies; and the human rights we have to be involved in these decisions.  The course looks in depth at how these rights form the cornerstones of two MEAs, the Aarhus Convention, its Protocol on PRTRs and the Escazú Agreement, promoting sustainable and environmentally sound development for present and future generations.  Participants can complete a quiz on completion of the course to earn a certificate.

The course can be direclty accessed here.

The course syllabus:    

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