A major cost reform in environmental litigation has been the recent introduction of CPR 45.41 which introduces a system of protective costs into judicial reviews of decisions, acts and omissions which are subject to the UNECE Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-Making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters (the Aarhus Convention”). CPR 45.41 is intended to give effect to the Aarhus requirement that environmental litigation not be prohibitively expensive. The position in s288 Town and Country Planning Act 1990 applications has now been considered in the R (Venn) v Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government [2013] EWHC 3546 (Admin). In that case, the Local Authority refused planning permission for a dwelling to be constructed in the garden of another house, but planning permission was subsequently granted by the Inspector on appeal. The Claimant, seeking to challenge the decision to grant permission on the basis that development plan policies against garden development had not been adequately considered, sought a protective costs order limiting her total costs liability to £1000. Giving judgment, Mrs Justice Lang found that: 1. Section 288 applications, although raising similar issues, are not ‘claims for judicial review’ and so fall outside of CPR 45.41; 2. Although not every planning case will involve environmental issues engaging the Aarhus Convention, the Convention is of wide application and the challenge to a failure to apply policies on protecting gardens from development does raise ‘environmental matters’ within the meaning of the Convention; 3. The Corner House criteria for protective costs orders should be relaxed to give effect to the requirements of the Aarhus Convention, including the requirement that environmental litigation not be prohibitively expensive.
United Kingdom - High Court of Justice (QB Division Administrative Court) - Venn v Secretary of State for Communities - Link to judgment
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UNECE / Task Force on Access to JusticeDate published:
01-02-2017Read full resource: