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PreLex: Monitoring of the decision-making process between EU institutions

PreLex is the database on European Union inter-institutional procedures which follows the major stages of the decision-making process between the Commission and the other institutions, including stage of the procedure; decisions of the institutions;persons' names; services responsible; and references of documents. It monitors the works of the various institutions involved (European Parliament, Council, ESC, Committee of the Regions, European central Bank, Court of Justice, etc.) and follows all Commission proposals (legislative and budgetary dossiers, conclusions of international agreements) and communications from their transmission to the Council or the European Parliament. With links to access directly the electronic texts available (COM documents, Official Journal, Bulletin of the European Union, documents of the European Parliament, press releases, etc.). In Cs, Da, De, El, En, Es, Et, Fi, Fr, Hu, It, Lt, Lv, Mt, Nl, Pl, Pt, Sk, Sl and Sv.(Original source:

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