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Online participation of citizens in European Parliament Committee activities

The eCommittee project, part of the EU eParticipation initiative will gather suggestions and questions from citizens and interested organisations from ten EU countries. The questions will address Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) serving on committees looking at climate change and other environmental issues. Beginning now and up until 2010, the project will target six major committee sessions for citizen participation. If MEPs positively respond/react to the citizen input, the pilot scheme could pave the way for a fully functioning system that allows people to have more direct input into all legislation. The project will use web-conferencing technology combined with the European Parliament's new video and audio streaming services. The project Steering Committee has been identifying and appointing national moderators and inviting concerned stakeholders from the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Slovakia, Portugal, Slovenia, Sweden and the United Kingdom to participate. The proposed structure with partners in place enabled environmental non-governmental organisations, business SMEs, labor organisations, climate researchers, student organisations and other bodies interested in climate change to feed their input to their national moderators. Input from individual citizens will also be encouraged.

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