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Kyrgyzstan: Environment and Natural Resources for Sustainable Development

This publication provides information and analysis of the state and management of natural resources and the environment in the Kyrgyz Republic during the country’s development. The assessment forms an informational, analytical and recommendatory basis for decision-makers at different levels - the Government, Parliament, local authorities, businesses, NGOs as well as international donor organizations. The first chapter of the assessment describes the ecosystems and natural resources as a natural framework for the country’s development and is a record of renewable natural resources. The second chapter reviews the use of natural resources in the economy and its impact on the environment and briefly describes the consequences of its adverse impact on the natural environment that manifests itself in the degradation of ecosystems, poor quality of the environment and natural disasters that cause damage to infrastructure and pose a threat to human life. The summary of the first two chapters assesses the current state of the country‘s economic development and highlights practices of unsustainable natural resources management due to high levels of poverty. The third chapter analyzes the legislative and institutional system of natural resources management and discusses the policy and vision of the state in this area. It evaluates the role and place of environmental security and sustainability issues in national and sectoral strategies and action plans and also describes the current management of natural resources and the environment, an important part of which is international cooperation. A number of recommendations to ensure environmental sustainability are given in the summary of the analysis of natural resources use and the problems related to their management. These recommendations were drawn up by a large group of specialists from government bodies, in particular, the Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Processing.

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