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Information Disclosure

In 2005, the Board of the World Bank approved revisions to the Bank’s policy on the disclosure of information. These changes addressed the Bank’s commitment to ensuring increased transparency about its activities. The policy revisions pertain to the following key categories of information/documents: Country Assistance Strategies and CAS Public Information Notices; Board minutes; Operational policy and strategy papers; Information related to IDA Mid-Term Reviews, procurement plans, IMF-Bank Relations Annexes, Country Re-engagement Notes, Project Completion Notes, the Staff Manual, the budget paper, the staff compensation paper, the Trust Funds Annual Report, and annual reports for specific trust fund programs; Documents related to grant programs funded by the Development Grant Facility (DGF); and Board documentation related to project modifications. The World Bank Policy on Disclosure of Information, published as a booklet in 2002, and the Disclosure Handbook, provide detailed work-flow guidance to staff and are under review.

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