This Research Group is focused on environmental governance, particularly from the perspective of the participation of hard-to-reach, disadvantaged and disenfranchised groups. The research undertaken ranges from the involvement of women in environmental decision making and women’s activism in the environmental movement, to the use of geo-visualisation tools to enable community environmental planning. The relationship between changes in political structures and processes and the environmental sustainability imperative is also being explored. Research is funded by government, NGOs and the European Union. The group has convened a number of conference sessions at Brunel University and through the RGS-IBG and the AAG, its members are or have recently been engaged in active collaborations with partners in the USA, the EU and sub-Saharan Africa, and with a number of local authorities, government departments and NGOs.(Original source:
Environment and Citizenship Research Group
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Brunel University West LondonDate published:
10-02-2016Read full resource: