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Benefits of Compliance with the Environmental Acquis for the Candidate Countries

This major study assesses the range and scale of benefits accruing to the candidate countries from their implementation of the EU environmental acquis. Specific objectives are to briefly review which directives face the largest compliance gaps; qualitatively review the full range of effects (environmental and non-environmental) of the implementation of a wide set of key environmental directives; examine for a sub-set of effects (environmental and non-environmental), the quantitative (but non-monetised) benefits of implementation; and estimate, where possible for selected physical environmental benefits, the range of monetary values arising from the implementation of EU directives, by country, of selected directives or groups of directives. The study aim is that the insights gained from the above steps should identify and highlight any significant benefits likely to accrue from implementing the environmental acquis and that the insights should contribute to the continued development of policy, prioritisation and approach to addressing environmental issue in the accession process. The study is available for download in PDF format chapter by chapter or as a whole. It includes as sub-studies the cost and benefits of implementing EC Air Quality, Waste Management, Water Quality and Nature Protection Directives, and analyses and discussion of Environmental Impact Assessment and GMO regulations.

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