Resources Keyword 'standing'
Key issue: Appeal against a cantonal decision of prolonging a camping site located in a nature reserve; access to justice – a decision by public authorities that may have an impact on nature…
Key issue: A company with a purely commercial interest can lodge an admissible appeal with the Council for Permit Disputes against a permit granted to a competitor
Key words: Access to…
Key issue: Appeal against a federal decision of excluding organisations from certain authorisation processes; access to justice and access to information – a public authority cannot exclude…
Key issue: the Brussels Court of First Instance collectively condemns the Belgian federal and regional governments for their negligent climate policy, because the Belgian climate policy is so…
This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the JURI Committee, explores the concept of “Rights of Nature…
Standing to challenge air quality plans in Poland
Standing – Those affected or likely to be affected by environmental damage must have access to justice to challenge such damage; this includes those with use rights that have been affected (such as…
Standing – Environmental NGOs must be able to challenge decisions made within the framework of water law permit procedures. Where participation as a party to the administrative procedure is required…
Access to justice for NGOs - Environmental NGOs are entitled to bring an action in order to be awarded environmental damages, also in criminal proceedings when they represent environmental interests…
This handbook summarizes the key European legal principles in the area of access to justice. It seeks to raise awareness and improve knowledge of relevant legal standards set by the European Union…