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Resources Keyword 'SDG Target 16.3'

Costs – The first case in which the Court of Appeal expressed concern about the high legal costs incurred by claimants in environmental litigation. The Court remarked that this may be a potent factor…
Costs – The Court of Appeal established guidelines for the level of“reciprocal costs caps” for claimants in relation to the granting of Protective Cost Order (PCO). The Court rejected the notion that…
Access to justice for NGOs - Environmental NGOs are entitled to bring an action in order to be awarded environmental damages, also in criminal proceedings when they represent environmental interests…
NGO standing (Art. 2 and 9) - The concept of ”environmental interest” should be interpreted in a wide sense according to Italian law, including the historical and artistic value of buildings.
NGO standing - The special protection of the environment given by art. 45 of the Spanish Constitution, and the broad and collective interests and protections on Spanish citizens require a wide scope…
Public participation and costs – The Administrative (High) Court found it necessary to take a different approach to the general rule that costs follow the event in line with the Sullivan Report (…
Standing for individuals (art. 2.5, 9.3) - Residents of a municipality are allowed to bring, on behalf of an inactive municipality, an action for cessation of building activities that harms the…
This handbook summarizes the key European legal principles in the area of access to justice. It seeks to raise awareness and improve knowledge of relevant legal standards set by the European Union…