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Resources Keyword 'Array'

The High Court accepted that the criterion established for the granting of Protective Costs Orders (PCOs) in the Corner House case must in environmental cases be applied flexibly and in the light of…
A group of members of parliament claimed that the regulations on use and building of a particular territory in the capital of Latvia were contrary to art. 115 of the Constitution of the Republic of…
Review procedure and costs (art. 2, 6 and 9) – The ECJ found that the EIA for a private road development damaging a coastal wetland was in compliance with EU Directive 85/337/EEC. However, on the…
Costs – The Court of Appeal endorsed the flexible approach adopted in the cases of Compton and Buglife and considered that, in principle,there would be no barrier to the granting of a Protective Cost…
Costs - The Court of Appeal established guidelines for the judge’s discretion as to cost recovery from an unsuccessful claimant in public law cases, particularly with regard to preparation costs.
Standing for individuals (art. 2.5, 9.3) - Residents of a municipality are allowed to bring, on behalf of an inactive municipality, an action for cessation of building activities that harms the…
This handbook summarizes the key European legal principles in the area of access to justice. It seeks to raise awareness and improve knowledge of relevant legal standards set by the European Union…