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Resources Keyword 'Array'

Access to information – Court upheld citizen’s claim against the Environment Protection Department of the town of Hudjand following its refusal to provide information on the environment impact of a…
Effective remedies - Members of the public concerned must be able to ask the court to suspend a challenged permit during the review procedure.
Access to justice and costs in environmental cases - This request for a preliminary ruling concerns the interpretation of the fifth paragraph of Article 10a of Council Directive 85/337/EEC of 27 June…
NGO standing - The Administrative Court of Armenia referring to the previous judgments by the Cassation Court and the Constitutional Court stated that environmental NGOs did not have standing before…
The ECHR held unanimously that the right to respect for private and family life (art. 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights) and the right for protection of property (art. 1 of Protocol No. 1…
Standing for a non-governmental organization – The Cassation Court of Armenia in 2009 stated that Ecoera, an environmental non-governmental organization, has access to justice before the court in…
The Constitutional Court of Armenia reviewed the constitutionality of the words "his/her/its" after the word "infringed" stipulated in article 3, paragraph 1 (1), of the Administrative Procedure Code…
Residents of the Kapan city in Armenia brought a collective lawsuit before the court of first instance against Armenian Sewerage Company, requiring the company to provide for wastewater treatment and…