MOPP 2 met in plenary throughout the day. In the morning, MOPP 2 adopted the provisional agenda (ECE/MP.PRTR/2014/3) and heard information on the status of ratification, acceptance, approval and accession with respect to the Protocol. MOPP 2 then addressed sub-items under the agenda item on promotion and capacity-building, including on: coordination mechanisms and synergies; provision of technical assistance; and communication tools and materials. Under the agenda item on procedures and mechanisms facilitating the implementation of the Protocol, MOPP 2 took up the sub-agenda items on the reporting mechanism and compliance mechanism. MOPP 2 also addressed the sub-items on financial arrangements and the implementation of the work programme for 2011-2014 under the agenda item on the programme of work and operation of the Protocol.
The third meeting of the Compliance Committee of the PRTR Protocol also met throughout the day, adopting their agenda and considering submissions, referrals and communications, and future work. Two side events took place with discussions addressing the Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals Group and Atlas of the Environment.
(The website includes photos from the day's events.)