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Environmental impact assessment: amendment passed the National Council

Seconded Harald Jannach (F) opened the debate and expressed the fear that the present EIA Act amendment would harm the business location. Jannach also criticized the short review period for consideration in this bill, which also was presented to Parliament far too late. The social partners had significantly longer time to deal with the draft as the parliament, accused the speaker, who also pointed to the criticism of the economy on a unübersichtlichem design.

Deputy Hermann Schultes (V) recalled in contrast to the long and very open discussion process that led to this draft amendment. This law was with all interest groups working for a year, which made it possible to keep the review short term, said Schulte. The MSRP for simplifying the management, investors, therefore, the threshold values ​​are important. Now enables a voluntary EIA investors to forgo a faster approval process and thus to arrive at a permit. There are also new provisions for wind and hydro power projects, transportation projects and airports. It was soon solved the problem of shale gas drilling and production were included in the EIA requirement.

Deputy Christiane Brunner (G) stressed that the EIA Act is intended to serve the environment and stressed at this point, the importance of citizen participation in the proceedings had. This principle should also take account of the Freedom Party, the other occurring for direct democracy. The public participation in EIA Act is still not adequately regulated, which also confirms the EU, Austria, the urge to express improvements. The Greens are calling for improvements for local residents. A party status of NGOs in the approval process is not sufficient, because NGOs often represent other interests as residents and citizens groups. It also lacks the financial support of grassroots initiatives. Since citizens' groups representing public interests, they have argued is entitled to financial support, the members of parliament. The amendment also bring degradation, such as shortening the approval process or the extension of the privilege, relief at airports and power lines to the detriment of citizens. Still not implemented is the Aarhus Convention, which is intended to allow citizens to sue in court failure by the authorities. An EIA for shale gas does not mean that there would be no future shale gas drilling - hence the Greens remain in their call for a ban on shale gas mining.

Parliament Hannes WENINGER (S) is known to allow the pursuit of economic goals under strict environmental regulations - that is the purpose of this amendment to the EIA Act, which was drafted with the involvement of all stakeholders. Weninger spoke of progress for both the environment and for the investors, not least for the residents, because if a negative determination procedure go out, can now apply for a review of environmental organizations. Those who speak of energy policy can not occur against the improvement of the cable network, recalled Weninger and welcomed the fact that the issue of shale gas are absorbed and dealt with in a short time in the EIA Act was. This stringent EIA legislation increases the quality of life in Austria and contributes to the energy transition, the MP said.

Member of Parliament Martin Schenk (B) divided the euphoria of her previous speaker announced the rejection and non-law amendment to the EIA by the BZÖ. Substantial input from experts were not accepted, the criticism of experts page clearly outweighed. This amendment was pushed through by the coalition in order to promote expansion of the airport in Schwechat, if it were a law in the interest of the Lower Austrian provincial governor, the speaker suggested. Martina Schenk regretted that the coalition parties have not taken the time it would have been necessary to develop a good story.

Francis seconded HÖRL (V) welcomed the reduction of the EIA process and said the Environment Minister's recognition of it. The development of environmental impact assessments go in the right direction. Hoerl was also the possibility of a voluntary environmental assessment and welcomed by simplifying procedures, allowing the economy to cut costs, is critical Hoerl said, however, to expand the rights of NGOs.

Federal Minister Nikolaus BERLAKOVICH recalled how violent clash of economic interests on the one hand and local residents and environmental organization, on the other. Its mission is to bring those interests under one umbrella and to ensure that procedures are carried out in compliance with civil rights and decisions can be made quickly. Pursuit of that purpose, the present EIA Act amendment. Who would make the energy revolution, not to get out of nuclear power and fossil fuels would, efficient approval process needed for plants to produce energy from renewable energy sources - that is the purpose of this amendment, the money and save time. Even test drilling for shale gas are subject to EIA, said the minister, the deputies explained his goal to make Austria more energy independent.

Member of Parliament Mathias VENIER (F) expressed concerns about the massive shale gas production. He fears among other things, massive water contamination through the use of heavy chemicals in exploration.

Ruth seconded CUP (S) pointed out that environmental impact assessments and the necessary expansion and restructuring of airports are. The noise protection for the population in the approach paths is of particular concern to her, she said. The study carried out in the past mediation in relation to the Vienna International Airport, they evaluated in this sense as a great success.

MPs Susanne Winter (F) expressed regret that current environmental reports are not discussed in plenary. These reports would always contain interesting information, she said. An absolute no to the shale gas production declines winter.

Member of Parliament John ROCK JEWELRY (V) pointed out that the expropriation provisions that apply to roads, airports should continue to have validity. Expropriation can and must always remain the last resort, he said. In general, raised the importance of jewelry hit infrastructure investments, which he spoke out explicitly for a citizens' involvement in major projects.

Seconded Werner Neubauer (F) stated that Austria, according to a review of the Court correctly applying the Aarhus Convention. Other countries like the Czech Republic and Slovakia, according to him, but are delinquent. Neubauer criticized in this context, the federal government, which takes in his opinion too little against the expansion of the Temelin nuclear power plant.

And approved the EIA amendment expressed the deputies finally Joseph Auer (S), Erwin Hornek (V), Walter SCHOPF (S), Nicholas PRINCE (V), Peter STAUBER (S), Rudolf Plessl (S), Andrea Gessl- Ranftl (S) and Hannes FAZEKAS (S). Sun greeted deputy crested the possibility in future also volunteered to perform an environmental impact. The prince and deputies Plessl expect from the measures provided for greater efficiency in environmental impact assessment procedures and accelerations, MP Stauber hopes to ease the work of the municipalities.

MPs Gessl-Ranftl went again for the theme shale gas exploration and drew attention to the insecurity of the population. According to her, currently a funding method is tested, which requires no toxic chemicals. Seconded Fazekas emphasized the importance of the airport Vienna Schwechat for job security. Off the topic EIA pointed out Hornek member of the extensive investment in advanced environmental technologies in Austria.

The final word in the debate, Deputy Wolfgang PIRKLHUBER (G), which pointed toward Freedom Party that there is only one planet and the destruction of the environment and the economy would be destroyed. As "shameful", he assessed that Environment Minister Berlakovich rejects a total ban on shale gas production.

The EIA amendment was adopted by the National Council by majority vote. The negative reports of the Environment Committee on the applications of the opposition took the majority of MPs also noted.

To enable rapid execution of the resolutions of the National Council for the ESM and the Fiscal Pact, were at the end of the meeting read out parts of the official record. Another (165th) meeting of the National Council was provided in the Rules of releases and assignments


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