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Launch of BASESwiki: On-line resource on access to non-judicial remedy

The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Business and Human Rights is pleased to announce the launch of BASESwiki. This new on-line resource is focused on the non-judicial mechanisms available around the world to help companies and their external stakeholders resolve disputes. It is a global, interactive forum where anyone can share, access and discuss information about these mechanisms and the resources and experts that can support their use. BASESwiki is a resource for all stakeholders - companies, NGOs, mediators, lawyers, academics and government officials.  It will cover mechanisms based in companies, industry associations, multi-stakeholder initiatives, government agencies, national, multilateral and international institutions. 

BASESwiki covers Grievance Mechanisms, Outcomes, Experts (including those with experience in dispute resolution systems, environment, human rights and mediation), Country Profiles, and Research and Analysis. 
The content of the wiki will be built over time by and for its community of users. Users can also make suggestions about how the site should develop, new areas it should cover or how it could be better organized to enable searching. The site will shortly have a new ‘community portal’ where users can network, exchange ideas, and share information about relevant events. 

The site - - includes instructions on how to contribute.
BASESwiki can currently be accessed in English, French and Spanish. Chinese and Russian language portals will follow in the first few weeks of 2009, followed shortly by Arabic. 

BASESwiki  is being developed in cooperation with the Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative at Harvard Kennedy School and with the support and collaboration of the International Bar Association and Compliance Advisor/Ombudsmanof the World Bank Group.

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