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Governance Data: Web-Interactive Inventory of Datasets and Empirical Tools

Associated with the growing demand for quantifying the governance performance of countries, localities, and institutions, there has been a proliferation of datasets measuring quality of institutions, governance and corruption. The total number of datasets in the present inventory exceeds 140 and includes only those datasets and associated empirical tools where actual data exists and is made accessible to the user. This inventory is organized into three different matrices: (1) External governance datasets and instruments (from outside of the World Bank, and/or indicators by Bank researchers based on outside data); (2) Internal World Bank governance datasets and empirical tools (the latter restricted to those that contain accessible data); and (3) a consolidated matrix of both external and internal governance datasets and instruments. Also included are the worldwide aggregate Governance Indicators Dataset, comprising six different governance components for about 200 countries, the Corruption Perception Index of Transparency International and the measures generated from enterprise surveys carried out by the World Bank or by the Global Competitiveness program of the World Economic Forum.

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