Ecologic - Institute for International and European Environmental Policy is a private not-for-profit think tank for applied environmental research and policy analysis. Through its involvement in negotiating and concluding multilateral environmental agreements, Ecologic focuses on issues of regime design, compliance by signatories, and the application of general principles in international law. Ecologic applies an interdisciplinary approach to cross-cutting issues within different policy fields, such as tradeable environmental rights, capacity building, global governance, implementation of political concepts or the financing of environmental protection. A significant part of its work focuses also on analyzing and furthering the development of the environmental policy of the European Union and its Member States, including in relation to the Aarhus Convention and its PRTR Protocol. Ecologic produces the book series "International and European Environmental Studies", Ecologic Briefs and the monthly Ecologic Newsletter. In English and German.
Ecologic - Institute for International and European Environmental Policy
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Ecologic gGmbHDate published:
10-02-2016Read full resource: