The grid development projects by 50Hertz move on as scheduled, however, early public participation needs alternative formats as face-to-face dialogue is restricted due to COVID-19. For two projects, the western section of Pulgar-Vieselbach and section A of the SuedOstLink, 50Hertz very quickly developed digital alternatives to dialogue-tours and info-fairs. The project website provides detailed and easy to access material such as maps, explanations and brochures as well as explanatory films – all available over a set period of several days. A citizens’ consultation was introduced via telephone. Supported by 50Hertz’ digital "Hinweisplattform" (information platform) all stakeholders are invited to give their remarks on the routing. They encountered positive feedback on this alternative way of public participation. Nevertheless, the use of digital tools needs collaboration with communities, promotion and preparation; and the different technical resources and capabilities have to be considered.
Early public participation without face-to-face dialogue – first learnings by 50Hertz
50Herz/RGI Newsletter April 2020 (30 April 2020)
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