Since 1983, the biennial International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC) series has evolved into the premier international forum for the fight against corruption. The 13th IACC is themed as “Global Transparency: fighting corruption for a sustainable future” with a focus on the role of transparency and accountability in human security, climate change, sustainable globalization, as well as natural resources exploitation and management. Attracting up to 1,500 participants from more than 120 countries, the IACC will shape the future agenda for the anti-corruption movement for years to come. The Aarhus Convention secretariat presented the Road from Rio to Copenhagen - see secretariat gave presentations on the Convention and the Protocol on PRTRs as instruments enhancing the transparency of environmental decision-making during the Conference’s opening workshop, “Governing the Climate Change Agenda – Making the Case for Transparency”.
Global Transparency: Fighting Corruption for a Sustainable Future
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Trasparency InternationalDate published:
10-02-2016Start date:
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