The International Conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM) decided in resolution 4 to invite UNEP to establish a voluntary, time-limited trust fund to provide seed money to support the objective and strategic priorities of the Quick Start Programme (QSP). Developing countries and countries with economies in transition are eligible for support from the trust fund. Approval of projects will take into account geographic and sectoral balance considerations and pay particular attention to urgent needs and the requirements of least developed countries and small island developing States. Proposals may be presented by SAICM participating Governments that have given appropriate formal recognition to SAICM, at a minimum by having designated an official SAICM national focal point. On an exceptional basis, and having regard to resources and administrative capacity available, representatives of civil society networks participating in SAICM may also present project proposals, subject to endorsement of the application by the SAICM national focal point in the countries hosting the projects. With application forms in English, French and Spanish.(Original source: