Nobel laureate Maathai calls for common sense solutions to malaria control in Africa at Safe Planet Campaign launch in Bali, Indonesia
Convention entered into force for Montenegrins on 31 January 2010, 90 days after submittal of instrument of accession
Industrial accidents and water conventions provide legal frameworks for protecting transboundary waters from chemical spills
Bulgaria becomes 24th Party to the Protocol on Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers in time for first MOP
Swiss donation to PRTR work programme contributes to building capacity toward ratification in Signatory states to the Kiev Protocol on Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers
Montenegro is the ninth country to accede to the 1998 environmental democracy treaty
Georgian, UN and NGO experts meet to discuss design of model pollutant release and transfer register
Georgia prepares national pollutant register under SAICM Quick Start Programme
NGO coalition calls upon the European Commission to ensure EBRD-financed projects hold public consultations in line with the Aarhus Convention
NGOs launch software to support pilot PRTR reporting
Hungarian communication considered "preliminarily admissible" by Aarhus Convention Compliance Committee