The press release relates to the draft findings of the Aarhus Convention Compliance Committee on communication ACCC/C/2010/54 concerning compliance by the European Union with the provisions of the…
The Executive Body for the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (LRTAP) concluded its thirtieth session, held from 30 April to 4 May 2012 in Geneva, adopting historic amendments to…
Reporting countries delivered data for 2010 by 31st March 2012. After a preliminary validation process, the data are now published on the E-PRTR website.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) launched the "Public Participation Guide", an international public participation toolkit. It is a resource for agencies and organizations to help…
Dmitry Medvedev discussed environmental security and protection at an off-site meeting of the Presidential Council for Civil Society and Human Rights. The meeting was attended by members of the…
The most recent edition of the integrated North American PRTR database Taking Stock Online includes a full-featured database search tool, highlights and information about the data, and links to…
On 7 March 2012 the European Commission adopted a Communication on implementing EU environment law which has the title "Improving the delivery of benefits from EU environment measures: building…
Israel has approved a new law on Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers.
Source: Department of Environment, Community & Local Government