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Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy Štefan Füle met with the First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of Croatia Vesna Pusić in Brussels…
The Chamber of Commerce of Castellón yesterday hosted a conference on the E-PRTR register with more than 160 representatives from business and industrial complexes in the province, interested in this…
Mr. Križan and 43 other inhabitants of the town of Pezinok, with the City of Pezinok have launched a lawsuit against the court of second instance for the protection of the environment (ie Inšpekcia,…
Important judgment of the Court of Justice of EU in relation to citizenship rights and open dumps in Slovakia. Citizens have the right to know the whole process that covers the opening of new plants…
Luxembourg will finally have its law on access to information. Tuesday, the Governing Council approved a draft law that "takes into account, in its broad outlines" a bill dating from 2000 on freedom…
The National Assembly Thursday review key provisions of the bill Batho / Brottes to prepare for the transition to an energy system simple. Open letter to MPs during the debate of the law Batho /…
Court of Justice of the European Union : According to the Aarhus Convention, when environmental decision-making process is initiated, the relevant public must be involved from the beginning, that is…
MARYNA HAS INFORMED MK THAT REVISIONS ARE NEEDED BEFORE PUBLISHING THIS NEWS ITEMThe Court of Justice of the European Union issued a decision on 15 January 2013 in which the public has a right of…
MK HAS REVIEWED AND DECIDED NOT TO PUBLISH AS THIS IS ADDRESSED IN A PREVIOUS NEWS ITEMCHRISTINE Metcalfe - a member of Avich and Kilchrenan Community Council - is determined to halt the relentless…
The authors of the scale of the project of the ski resort of Kok Zhailyau near Almaty in Kazakhstan claim that many constructions are plan without affecting the nature of the ski resort activities…

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