(Original article in Spanish.) The Plenary of the Council of Fuerteventura agreed this morning with the votes of the group of government (PSOE and CC) and PPM group, the abstention of the Joint Group…
(Original article in German.) At the Regional Court Korneuburg began on Wednesday a three-day process to contaminate ground water in the catchment area of the work of Kwizda Agro in Leobersdorf. Six…
(Original article in German.) As the OÖNachrichten reported , should in summer 2015, the 50-million-euro-bypass, project, which is to reduce traffic in the core of the city municipality Mattighofen…
(Original article in Russian.) Belarusian environmentalists asked the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Belarus Gosatomnazdor and requested a report on violations detected during the construction…
The country’s air pollution levels underwent a dramatic drop between 2012 and 2013, the Environmental Protection Ministry reported on Tuesday.An examination of emissions data in the 2013 Pollutant…
The first in a series of lectures was held recently at the Harry C. Moore Library at The College of the Bahamas, where there was a lively discussion on the whole concept of freedom of information. To…
(Par Joe-Christ Ndorere, Chaire de recherche du Canada en droit de l’environnement.) L’édification des premières politiques publiques environnementales s’est faite au rythme des inquiétudes…
A backlash surrounding a gold mine is placing the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development under scrutiny.
By Christian Leyrit. Le drame de ces derniers jours, les blocages et situations très conflictuelles enregistrés sur de nombreux projets d'aménagement et d'équipement, amènent aujourd'hui à s'…
Plus encore que la question du comportement de la force publique lors des opérations de maintien de l'ordre, le drame de Sivens pose celle de la démocratie écologique et de son sous-développement.