In the summer of 2013, the European Parliament and the Member States had agreed, however, the demand for a legal framework to protect soil on the 7th Take environmental action program.According to the German Nature and Environment (DNR) will be clear that the proposed changes could fail at the expense of environmental protection and civil rights. Although to date, the Commission considered an EU-wide soil protection framework Directive are necessary to tackle the problem of increasing degradation of European soils, it was considering now seem to withdraw its proposal for a Directive in 2006. NABU throws Barroso of trust above all in view of the not to bring the resistance of the federal government's policy on the way. The European Environmental Bureau (EEB) expressed dismay at the possible regression in the land policy. Given the recent IPCC report, which is threatened by climate change, among other things, food safety, the Commission's announcement was incomprehensible. , the Commission will also consider taking a 2003 proposed Directive on access to justice in environmental matters retire again. So that they would - as the German Nature and Environment - prevent implementation of the Aarhus Convention. At the same time it was said in the statement, however, it is working on an alternative proposal. Jeremy Wates, Secretary General of the EEB said, a retreat in the 2003 directive is only justified if the Commission would actually present a new proposal in the coming months.
Original - in German