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"Ski" scandal grows in "Kok - Zhailau"

Erzhan Ashima , Chapter initiative group "PROTECTING COC - Zhailau!":

- Drilling machine got up and hid it in a spruce forest. When I came, there was a tent two workers who have the task was to protect this machine. They said they were going to do a sample of soil, drill to find out how this soil meets the standards of construction.

It appears, however, that the defenders of the project surprised by the presence of special equipment on the territory of the national park is not less than their opponents.

ERZHAN IDRISOV, a spokesman for the resort " COC - Zhailau":

- Whose there technique I now even find it hard to say. This question is for law enforcement, because there is a violation of the law . We have an agreement with the national park at the input technology no no. Our specialists are now in the Kok- Zhailau research, but they use the equipment manual.

Find out who owns an "unidentified object drilling" will have law enforcement agencies - the truth, if the relevant statements of opponents or advocates resort "Kok Zhailau" still writes.


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