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Public invited to respond to England and Wales consultation on environmental permitting decision making

The Environmental Permitting Programme (EPP) is an important programme that we are working on with the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), Welsh Assembly Government (WAG) and other groups. It will lead to a modern, proportionate, risk-based permitting system that is easier, quicker and cheaper to use. Business will benefit from a quicker, more consistent approach and we will benefit from having more resources to focus on protecting the environment and people.

To date there have been two consultations on the proposed new Environmental Permitting Regulations and a recent consultation on associated Government Guidance. As well as these consultations, you should be aware that Defra and Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) recently consulted on options for improving the way planning and pollution control regimes work in delivering new development projects. The outcome of this will be reflected in ways of working together to be agreed with local authorities.

Working together: your role in our environmental permitting decision makingWorking together will be part of the new environmental permitting system. It will help you understand how and when you can get involved in the permitting decisions taken by the Environment Agency. We expect to use it from April 2008 when the new Environmental Permitting Regulations are due to come into effect.

It looks at:• what we do,• what environmental permitting is,• how we work with anyone with an interest in environmental permits.

Your feedbackWe want to work with others to ensure that Working together is useful, clear and user-friendly. We welcome your feedback on the questions below:• is it clear from the document how and when you can get involved in the permitting decisions taken by the Environment Agency?• is it clear how and when you can get involved in the development of standard rules and the associated guidance?• what other ways could we engage with anyone with an interest? • are there any other organisations we should consult that are not listed on page 9?

You can also reply directly using our on-line consultation from our website

Responses to this consultation should be made no later than 6 July 2007. They can be returned by:Email: [email protected]: Environmental Permitting Programme, Environment Agency, Rio House, 710 - 715 Waterside Drive, Aztec West, Almondsbury, Bristol BS32 4UD

If you have any questions regarding the Environmental Permitting Programme and Working together please contact Alistair Waite on 07768 278410 or Alison Simmons on 01454 284318 or email [email protected] 

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