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Italy: Saluggia, the endless story of Sogin radioactive waste (The State-owned company responsible for the Italian nuclear sites decommissioning and the management of radioactive waste)

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Map passes from hand to hand and remains secret. The Ispra, which had received the map from Sogin in early January, had delivered it to the ministries of Environment and Development. On that map there are marked areas "potentially suitable" to host the national repository of nuclear waste, which should be operational by 2024. Unconfirmed reports speak of 80 or 90 sites, scattered in a dozen Italian regions. Meanwhile, Sogin, the state company in charge of the decommissioning of nuclear plants on which hangs the specter of the commissioner, changing business plan and asks the department of Via Veneto to double the temporary storage of Saluggia D2, in the province of Vercelli: the place more not recommended for storing radioactive material, as the current nuclear area is located in an overflow water risk, guaranteed clear and vulnerable area because located in the floodplain of Baltea. The D2, now under construction with two spans, would be taken to four bays, for a total of 40 thousand cubic meters.


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