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Environmentalists denounce ozone pollution and foul air quality plan

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Ecologists in Action has reported today at a press conference ozone pollution and the lack of a plan to improve air quality in the region, and the lack of information on microparticles and other contaminants, so it has filed a complaint with the European Commission.

Ecologists in Action has also filed complaints about these episodes with the Directorate General of Environment and demand improved coordination and diligence in the inspection and environmental monitoring, and proposes the development of an anti-pollution law odoriferous as other communities arise.

Local air pollution episodes persist at various points as Alums, Sewer, and Sangonera Javalí New Dry, emissions associated with industrial activities in the area.

The neighborhood odor complaints have continued to express, this year, in the districts of Santiago and Murcia Zaraiche, Los Dolores, Mule and The Fenazar (Molina de Segura).

Also consider that the management and operation of the atmospheric monitoring network "rather poor" and that the reduction of fixed measuring stations "is a step backwards."

"The continuing incidents, technical failures and faults limit the data quality, evaluation and information to the public in general," they add.

"We need new measuring stations in the region of Murcia and new fixed and mobile stations that measure levels of benzene and sulfur dioxide throughout the region," they warn.

Also reported that in the 2010-12 triennium, three measuring stations had exceeded the maximum days specified for the pollutant ozone as were those of Lorca, Sewer and Aljorra.

As for the problems of pollution caused by sulfur dioxide (SO2) caused by industrial activity, indicate exceedances in the Valley of tailings 78 days a year in the measuring station Valle and 57 days a year in the measuring station Alums, where have exceeded the daily limit value of 20 micrograms/m3 establishing the guidelines of WHO.

For nitrogen dioxide NO2, the measuring station of San Basilio de Murcia exceeds 40 micrograms / m³ annual limit value for health protection established by State legislation.

On the other hand, emissions of benzene (C6H6) remain below the limit values ​​at present, but refer to two measuring stations, Alums and Sewer, "which gives us a skewed and fragmented picture of pollution this hydrocarbon "EEA stress.

Also reported that the Ministry of the Presidency has offered no information so far on the daily values ​​of contaminants Arsenic, Cadmium, Nickel (Ni) and Benzo (a) pyrene in 2013, in breach of the Aarhus Convention by which rights of access to information, public participation and access to justice in environmental matters, underscore are regulated.

In terms of air pollution caused by emissions related to human activity, Ecologists in Action has insisted that the main courses of action to address it go through the reduction of motorized traffic in metropolitan areas, reducing the need for mobility, enhancing transport groups, facilitating non-motorized means in cities, and widespread industry adoption of best available technologies for improved air quality.


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