This report aims at providing an overview of the existing policy framework, activities and coordinating arrangements in the area of chemicals management capacity building in the UN system. It has been prepared for the EMG by the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) in co-operation with the Inter-Organization Programme for the Sound Management of Chemicals (IOMC). Section 1 provides background and context. Section 2 features a summary of key international agreements and decisions affecting chemicals management capacity building. Section 3 summarises the organizational set-up and activities of international bodies involved in chemicals management capacity building. Section 4 reviews the current status of co-ordinating mechanisms and information exchange mechanisms concerned with chemicals management capacity building. Concluding sections discuss issues which may merit further attention.(Original source:
Capacity-building for chemicals management: a situation and needs analysis for the Environmental Management Group (EMG)
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2004Date published:
10-02-2016Read full resource: