The Joint High-Level Segment met in plenary during the morning, with participants hearing opening statements. The agenda of the segment was adopted and the report on credentials was considered. Two thematic sessions addressed the right to information and environmental democracy and the right to information and social media.
In the afternoon, the Joint High-Level Segment considered the Maastricht Declaration, with statements from the floor addressing their views on the Aarhus Convention and the Protocol on PRTRs, with many highlighting the importance of the Convention and Protocol for creating the transparency and public engagement required to implement Principle 10 (participation of all concerned citizens) of the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development. The Joint High-Level Session adopted the Maastricht Declaration. MOP 5 then formally adopted all decisions and outcomes identified in the ‘List of key outcomes and decisions of MOP 5’ (ECE/MP.PP/2014/CRP.9). MOP 5 was closed at 3:59 pm.
Side events took place throughout the day, engaging participants on a variety of issues, including: a dangerous environment; nuclear transparency watch - implementing the Aarhus Convention in the nuclear sector; the Environmental Democracy Index and the Aarhus Convention Index; and building bridges between regions with a focus on Principle 10 of the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development and the Aarhus Convention.
(The website includes photos from the day's events.)