On Wednesday, following a cultural performance, Iurie Leanca, Moldova Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, opened the fourth session of the Meeting of the Parties to the Aarhus Convention (MOP 4). Gheorghe Salaru, Moldova Minister of Environment noted that much experience has been gained over twelve years of implementation of the Convention. Jan Dusik (Czech Republic), MOP 4 Chair, pointed to MOP 4 theme on the role of the Aarhus Convention in promoting sustainable development. Marco Keiner, Director of the Environment Division of the United Nation Commission for Europe (UNECE), suggested highlighting the Aarhus Convention as the best example of implementation of Principle 10 of the Rio Declaration public participation at Rio+20.
Delegates then discussed: the future work on genetically modified organisms (GMOs) under the Convention, with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) encouraging parties to ratify the GMO Amendment to the Convention; a draft decision on access to information, discussing possible future work of the Task Force on Electronic Information Tools; and a draft decision on public participation in decision-making and future work of the Task Force on Public Participation.
In the afternoon, delegates discussed promoting effective access to justice, with many underlining the need for further work by the relevant Task Force on standing, costs, remedies and injunctions, as well as for more progress at the national level. On public participation in international forums, delegates heard a report from the Secretariat of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and discussed the proposal to entrust the Working Group of the Parties to the Aarhus Convention with the oversight of continued work on this topic. Delegates finally addressed compliance, discussing draft decisions on general compliance issues and individual cases of non-compliance.
On Thursday morning, delegates to the fourth session of the Meeting of the Parties to the Aarhus Convention (MOP 4) considered a draft decision on reporting requirements, heard a report on the preparation of the updated implementation guide to the Aarhus Convention, and discussed reports on capacity building. Delegates then tackled a draft decision on accession to the Aarhus Convention by states from outside the UNECE region, which clarifies procedural steps for the MOP’s approval of such accessions. Several NGOs cautioned that the draft decision creates excessive burdens on non-UNECE states willing to accede to the Aarhus Convention, and should rather send the right signals to welcome them.
Delegates then considered a draft communication strategy, focusing on target audiences and key messages; and a draft decision on the work programme for 2012-2014. They also heard reports on the implementation of the work programme for 2009-2011, and on UNEP activities on access to information, public participation and access to justice in environmental matters.
In the afternoon, delegates addressed synergies between the Aarhus Convention and other relevant multilateral environmental agreements, and heard a report from the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity making reference to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety and the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-Sharing. Then, delegates considered draft decisions on the future strategic plan and on financial arrangements, with a party and NGOs lamenting that the MOP could not agree on a more predictable financial scheme for the Aarhus Convention instead of the current voluntary contribution scheme.
At the closing, European ECO Forum attributed the “Order of Knight of the Aarhus Convention” to several individuals that contributed to the work of the Convention.
On Friday morning, Mihai Moldovanu, Moldova Deputy Prime Minister, opened the High-level Segment of the fourth session of the Meeting of the Parties to the Aarhus Convention (MOP 4), under the theme “The role of the Aarhus Convention in promoting sustainable development.” Ján Kubiš, UNECE Executive Secretary, delivered a message from UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon, stressing that the Aarhus Convention is today more important than ever.
The first session of the High-level Segment was devoted to “Advancing sustainable development in the UNECE region: a success story or a missed opportunity for the Aarhus Convention?” Panelists and delegates underscored, inter alia, the: link between environmental governance and security; need for international assistance and regional cooperation; challenges in implementing legislation and involving local communities; and importance of public participation in the areas of climate change, energy and the green economy.
The second session of the High-level Segment was devoted to “The Aarhus Convention as an inspiration for promoting Principle 10 of the Rio Declaration.” Panellists and delegates underscored, inter alia: cooperation at subnational and local levels; the role of public participation in integrating the pillars of sustainable development and in ensuring responsible economic development; and the importance of innovation and education.
Jeremy Wates, Secretary-General of European Environmental Bureau (EEB) and European ECO Forum, supported by other NGOs and Uzbekistan, urged parties to commit to amending the Convention provision subjecting accession by non-UNECE states to the MOP approval, and reflect this commitment in the Chisinau declaration. The EU expressed doubts about the proposal. Following informal consultations, delegates agreed to request, in the meeting report, the Working Group of Parties to report about the effectiveness of MOP 4 decision on accession by non-UNECE states, to enable MOP 5 to “take any action considered relevant” to further encourage the accession on non-UNECE states. European ECO Forum expressed hope that an amendment to the Convention will be adopted by MOP 5.
Delegates then adopted the Chisinau Declaration "Rio Plus Aarhus - 20 Years On," as well as all draft decisions and all outcomes included in the draft meeting report. Ukraine expressed interest in hosting MOP 5. Gheorghe Salaru, Moldova Minister of Environment, drew the meeting to a close at 5:24 pm.