Resources Year '2007'
On 19 February 2004, the Rennes Administrative Tribunal refused to annul the decision of theprefect of Morbihan. The Morbihan decision would denied the association of inhabitants of theMorbihan coast…
The Institute for Electronic Participation, INePA, made a proposal to the Aarhus implementation report prepared by the Republic of Slovenia as regards the use of Internet technology in public…
PThe Aarhus Convention was ratified by Spain in December 2004. This study, prepared by Fe Sanchis-Moreno, Asociacion para la Justicia Ambiental, examines implementation of the Aarhus Convention'…
This website provides you with basic information on the PRTR system, such as overview of the PRTR system, information on PRTR substances, and relevant laws and regulations. Also most recent PRTR data…
the 8th Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting (TEMM8) held at Beijing in December 2006, one of the topics was cooperation among Japan, China and Korea on chemicals management. Three ministers…
The proposal for consolidation of the European Community directives addressing industrial emissions (COM (2007) 844 and 2007/0286/COD) was adopted by the Commission in December 2007.
In order to obtain a comprehensive overview of the different measures adopted or in place in the Member States to implement Article 9(3) of the Aarhus Convention and related provisions, the…
This website provides a global portal to Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR) information and activities from countries and organisations around the world. The website aims to assist…
This booklet reports on initial experiences across Europe with the Aarhus Convention. The Convention applies across the European Union (EU), at national level. It also applies at EU level, to the EU…
Human rights defenders are increasingly using computers and the Internet in their work. Although access to technology remains a challenge, electronic means of storing and communicating information…